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Chakra Energy Clearing | Crystal Therapy

Here at Moonstone Light we use crystal therapy to quicken the process of chakra cleansing and clearing. 

There are many techniques utilised within the holistic field to cleanse and maintain chakra balance. We have modified some of these to reach a wider audience to satisfy the more inquisitive, scientific thinker. Crystal therapy accelerates cellular efficiency.
The end result is a relaxed, destressed body for the active, busy person on the go with a lifestyle that prevents them taking time out for themselves.
It should be noted, however, that the process of chakra cleansing is a temporary solution and maintenance of the body’s energy centres should be an ongoing commitment to achieve the desired results. 

Coupling this therapy with regular body balancing will leave the individual feeling relaxed, able to cope with the strenuous pressures of their life and tools to handle anxiety and low mood swings.


Chakra Energy Clearing | Crystal Therapy

Here at Moonstone Light we use crystal therapy to quicken the process of chakra cleansing and clearing. 

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Body Balancing

Body balance enables you to maintain a healthy immune system. Without a healthy immune system, one is prone to develop physical issues from minor to major health problems. 

Mental Health

In today’s frenetic world, stress and strain are commonplace and anxiety is the ‘norm’. The toll this takes on individuals’ mental and physical health is now being finally revealed on a much larger scale. 

Spiritual Development

To many, spiritual development may strike a chord with religious beliefs. However, there is a vast difference between religion and spirituality.