Tel: 0770 1098 616


Spiritual Development

To many, spiritual development may strike a chord with religious beliefs. However, there is a vast difference between religion and spirituality. 

Religion is far more ritualistic mindset with physical locations in which to practice. 
Spirituality, however, is a sense of being and consciousness. Something we all possess. Whether we are aware of our own spirituality is the key to understanding our need for it.
Moonstone Light attempts to unlock the mystery of spirituality in individuals and aid them in developing their own potentials.
Understanding one’s own potential can greatly assist our accomplishments, confidence and abilities which can so easily be disguised as failures in today’s modern academically-driven world.
Creativity, intuition and our innate sense of knowing are encouraged to flourish and often surprises the individual with their own abilities once unlocked.
Whereas colour therapy utilises the five senses, spiritual development taps into the sixth sense which all possess, but few realise and access.




    Psychological investigation

    Trauma treatment

    Unlocking mind programming

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development can go as deep or as shallow as you wish, To truly know yourself and maximise your inner potential it is advised that you truly commit to a programme of 6 sessions.


Chakra Energy Clearing | Crystal Therapy

Here at Moonstone Light we use crystal therapy to quicken the process of chakra cleansing and clearing. 

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Body Balancing

Body balance enables you to maintain a healthy immune system. Without a healthy immune system, one is prone to develop physical issues from minor to major health problems. 

Mental Health

In today’s frenetic world, stress and strain are commonplace and anxiety is the ‘norm’. The toll this takes on individuals’ mental and physical health is now being finally revealed on a much larger scale. 

Spiritual Development

To many, spiritual development may strike a chord with religious beliefs. However, there is a vast difference between religion and spirituality.